Vlado Plaga and his homepage

In what is usually the hottest period of the year, the end of july, I was born in 1980 in Herdecke/Ruhr, which is close to ⇒Dortmund, where I’ve been living ever since, except for my year in Australia and two years in Nijmegen (Netherlands), 2011 and 2012.
More photos of me are in the ⇒photo album, on the ⇒Australia Page and occasionally also in my ⇒photo galleries.
I studied teaching at Universität Dortmund from 2004 to 2008. My subjects are English, Mathematics and German. Before I started that teaching degree, I had tried Computer Science and English Linguistics, but I changed my mind, because this was not really what I wanted to do (and very difficult, too). I am also a member and the webmaster of the Green party’s local brach, and a university sports group for juggling and unicycling, and I used to do the same for ESN Dortmund until 2007. Concerning politics and my studies, this website’s German version is more detailed.
In early 2009 I joined the men's choir ⇒Harmonie 1882 Dortmund-Hörde
Contact: One of my e-mail addresses is contact <at> vlado-do.de (PGP fingerprint, public key: A1E5 B8D3 3E0F 3DED AF13 D22B 1C7F 03D1 1AE0 A690). I also use Conversations and Pidgin, instant messengers with the XMPP protocol. This protocoll allows the use of many different programs and providers, instead of depending on one single company like MSN or Facebook (WhatsApp). Just ask me for my user name on a different channel (mail, e-mail, phone...).
You are wrong
You are wrong
Black-and-white-thinking is stupid and dangerous...
“Hope, in contrast to optimism, is not the expectation of a happy ending, but the commitment in the certainty of the action making sense, no matter how it ends.”
Václav Havel (my translation from a German magazine)

This homepage
- was launched in 1998, and started offering information in English in 1999.
- is put together with the help of PHP.
- had a Guest Book between 2003 and 2010.
- is best seen with a typical web browser (but not MSIE < version 8), and with open eyes.
- is called Vlado World-Wide (since 2004), for linguistic reasons (mainly for the German title), and for all the pictures from the other side of the world (looking at Australia from Europe).