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Last update: 2021-01-03

The redistribution through interest visualised

Distribution of capital:

Group 12345678910
in % per group0000.10.424.27.819.965.6
in k € / househ.

Distribution of household incomes:

group 12345678910
in % per group34.
from interest*0000.
other income
in k € / housh.121924283238435059101

Distribution of the annual savings:

group 12345678910
in % je group000.72.558.210.712.522.138.3
in k € / househ.

Distribution of household expenses:

group 12345678910
in % je group3.
in k € / househ.121923.726.929.834.438.344.549.384.2
interest burden included*

Redistribution through interest:

group 12345678910
interest burden (k € / hh.)
interest (k € / hh.)0000.
interest balance (k € / hh.)-4.2-6.6-8.2-9.3-9.9-9.7-8.5-6.65.561.1


“ordinary” interest rate: %   interest rate “rich”: %
Interest component: % determine automatically
show group sums:   households per group (in mill.):
Your web browser is too old! With version 9 (early 2011?) even the Internet Explorer can finally do what other browsers like Firefox, Opera,or Safari can already do it for years: display SVG.

The ten household groups each consist of 3.8 million households and are arranged according to their capital. The total capital thus is 11389 billion €.

Sum over the balance row (should be close to 0): 3.6 - This much profit (if positive) ten average households (one from each group) make from the interest system (probably at the expense of corporations, the state, or foreign countries) - together 13.79 billion €.

Your web browser is too old! With version 9 (early 2011?) even the Internet Explorer can finally do what other browsers like Firefox, Opera,or Safari can already do it for years: display SVG.
Capital distribution

All num­bers used in the cal­cu­la­tions can be modi­fied through the input fields! The pre­set num­bers are from Hel­mut Creutz’ ar­ti­cle Wie groß ist die Umverteilung durch den Zins? (“How big is the re­dis­tri­bu­tion caused by in­ter­est?”) in Fair­con­o­my no 3/ 2010, and rep­re­sent the si­t­u­a­tion in Ger­many. The gen­er­al table lay­out is also derived from the ta­bles in the ar­ti­cle, but I used a dif­fer­ent model for my graph, a sim­u­la­tion by busi­ness math­e­mati­cian Prof. Dr. Jür­gen Kre­mer.

The pre­set val­ues for the cap­i­tal dis­tri­bu­tion are sim­i­lar to what the Bun­des­zen­­tra­le für Po­li­ti­sche Bil­­dung (Fed­er­al Cen­ter for Po­lit­i­cal Ed­u­ca­tion) pub­lished in 2009 (see graph on the right).

*Interest is calculated as capital times interest rate, the interest burden as expenses times interest component. The expenses are calculated as income minus savings.

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