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Vlado World-Wide
Last update: 2019-09-23


The English ver­sion of this page is a lot short­er than and not as up-to-date as the Ger­man ver­sion – sorry!

For some alternatives to Microsoft go to my Free Software page.

XKCD updates every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. For more than a year I now (end of 2011) haven’t missed a strip, and they probably make me laugh (or at least smile) about 1.5 times per week, on average.

Ger­man – English Dic­tionary “A sim­ple dic­tionary based on a wordlist of about 140,000 en­tries”
The dic­tionary is “sim­ple” in the sense that it (in most cases) only of­fers lists of words in the other lan­guage. These may be equiv­a­lents in some con­texts, but are no ex­pla­na­tion of the con­cept of a word. An off­line ver­sion, the pro­gram ding (for X11/Linux), ex­ists as well.

CouchSurfing -> a phenomenon that changes the world! Travelling, as you may have heard it from the first Europeans exploring oriental countries: being received by friendly people and competently being informed by them on the places you travel. At first I was sceptical, but in 2010/2011 I made very positive first experiences with this system!

John Butler Trio

The Aus­tralian John But­ler Trio, cur­rent­ly one of my favourite bands with great lyrics and music, of­fers fans to record con­certs and pub­lish the record­ings on the in­ter­net! Dozens of CDs are avail­able for down­load­ing on archive.org. The photo here is taken from a Rock­palast show, a great show in our state’s pub­lic tele­vi­sion: "...too many peo­ple watch­ing their color tv"! ;-)

Wikipedia is an in­ter­est­ing pro­ject: a free en­cy­clo­pe­dia writ­ten by its readers. So en­tries may be wrong or ide­o­log­i­cal­ly mo­ti­vat­ed – but where can you find ob­jec­tive truth, any­way?

If you cre­ate web­sites, you might like to use HTML TIDY. It finds and fixes mis­takes in HTML files.

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