The English version of this page is a lot shorter than and not as up-to-date as the German version – sorry!
For some alternatives to Microsoft go to my ⇒ Free Software page.
German – English Dictionary “A simple dictionary based on a wordlist of about 140,000 entries”
The dictionary is “simple” in the sense that it (in most cases) only offers lists of words in the other language. These may be equivalents in some contexts, but are no explanation of the concept of a word. An offline version, the program ding (for X11/Linux), exists as well.
CouchSurfing -> a phenomenon that changes the world! Travelling, as you may have heard it from the first Europeans exploring oriental countries: being received by friendly people and competently being informed by them on the places you travel. At first I was sceptical, but in 2010/2011 I made very positive first experiences with this system!

The Australian John Butler Trio, currently one of my favourite bands with great lyrics and music, offers fans to record concerts and publish the recordings on the internet! Dozens of CDs are available for downloading on The photo here is taken from a Rockpalast show, a great show in our state’s public television: "...too many people watching their color tv"! ;-)
Wikipedia is an interesting project: a free encyclopedia written by its readers. So entries may be wrong or ideologically motivated – but where can you find objective truth, anyway?
If you create websites, you might like to use HTML TIDY. It finds and fixes mistakes in HTML files.