Exceptional Friends of Peace


Eugen Drewermann

Eugen Drewermann (Photo: Amrei-Marie, CC BY-SA 3.0)

I had the honour of once, probably around 2012, experiencing Eugen Drewermann in person. It was a small commemoration in front of Dortmund's “Steinwache” (a former prison, now a museum hosting the excibition “Resistance and prosecution in Dortmund 1933-1945”). I noticed how well Drewermann was capable of speaking freely - an art he preserved up until his now (in 2024) old age. The speech's topic was not just generally outstanding, but it also contained a personal element, and it was very suitable to the place where he held it: I remember Drewermann recounting how as a small child in the dark he had seen the distant sky glowing red. When he asked his father what this was, the answer was: “This is the burning city of Dortmund”.

Background and consequences

Composed in 2024 by Vlado Plaga.