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Take as many pics as humanly possible!!My Melburnian friend Ou answered with that sentence, when I told him about my intended trip to Hamburg. Since apart from taking pictures I did not have much to do in the Hanseatic city, I pretty much followed his request. This gallery is the result.
Max-Brauer-AlleeMy hostel Instant Sleep was just across the street, opposite this “central park”. | |
Fahrrad-VerleihAfter just a few minutes in Hamburg I already hit a bicycle rental - nice! | |
Grosse Freiheit 36I was to see the John Butler Trio in this historic place. | |
Famous namesDie Ärzte, Rio Reiser, Björk, The Hives, Prince, Foo Fighters, Bad Religion, Robbie Williams, Iggy Pop... quite a few artists that I would have liked to see have been here. | |
PostersAnyone who followed the news in Germany in summer 2008 will certainly remember the G8 summit in Heiligendamm for quite some time. “Critical Mass“ is comparably little heard off. I got to know about it in 2003 in Melbourne, and in Germany I had never noticed advertising like this. | |
Stairs | |
Towards the river Elbe | |
Floating ticket machineHere you can buy tickets for the ferry. | |
Docks und tugboat | |
Skyline | |
Paddle wheel steamerThe name-giving wheel rotated, but I can't imagine that it made any significant contribution to the the rather quick steamer's propulsion. | |
Paintings | |
At the Kaiserkeller | |
Full moon | |
SusannenstraßeIn the left corner of this picture the “Rote Flora” is visible. | |
Abandoned villaThe garden now is a park and the view of the Elbe on the building's other side accessible for everyone. | |
Museum harbourThis is Museumshafen Oevelgönne. I got here on the bicycle that I hired for 27 and 28 September. | |
Restaurant Ship | |
Little houses with Elbe viewUnfortunatly the nice little gardens with an open view of the wide Elbe a on the left of this long footpath are not visible in this picture. | |
TugboatThis little tug is pulling something big... | |
Yang Ming...a ship full of goods from China... | | containers, which are stacked up in seven levels... | |
Towards the container harbour...and 17 containers side by side. | |
Flood markingIn the 1962 north sea flood hundreds of people lost their lives. What is also interesting in this stone is the addition for the 1976 flood, which because of better dykes caused a lot less damage. | |
Hamburg flag | |
BlankeneseThis little street has a Mediteranean character - only the houses are too big and the sunshine is lacking in this picture. | |
Encounter | |
Spar- und BauvereinA nice similarity: The association in Dortmund that built the house I live in has the same name. | |
Special laneA lane that may only be used by buses and cyclists during rush hour! Hamburg really is very bicycle friendly. | |
War memorialA classic World War I war memorial... with additions that can certainly be seen as a lesson from World War II. | |
No goodThe inscription reads:Den Gefallenen zum dankbaren Gedächnis In greatful memory for the dead soldiers Here the use of Nacheiferung (emulation) indeed has to be questioned, considering that 40,000 Hamburg citizens died in the war that is gloryfied here. Their lives were senselessly wasted, in my optinion. | |
Construction Site | |
Skating ring | |
Casino at dusk | |
Binnenalster | |
Hamburg’s “Michel” | |
LandungsbrückenThis building's old parts were, as so much in European cities, built around 1900. According to an information plate the glas-clad middle part was constructed several years after World War II in order to fill a gap that had been caused by the war's bombing. | |
Old Elbe tunnelCurrently the entrance to the tunnel is hidden behing scaffolding and advertisement... unfortunately. | |
Tunnel tubes | |
Car lift | |
Inside the tunnel | |
Tunnel data | |
SpeicherstadtAn information plate describes the Speicherstadt (storage city) as a “treasure chest” for the goods that the ships deliver. That is why the architecture is not merely functional. | |
Sandbrücke“Sand Bridge” | |
Storage galore | |
Uebel und GefährlichI was to see a concert later that evening inside this old bunker. The club had the fitting name “Uebel und gefährlich” (‘Evil and dangerous’). | |
There are places I remember...I took part in a Beatles Tour that was offered to visitors of the Reeperbahn Festival. This is where the world's “best” (or at least most famous) band had their first engagement in Germany. The guide Stefanie Hempel played fitting songs on her ukulele. | |
Unspectacular | |
Hotel PaulinenhofAn old hotel in Paulinenstraße... | |
Hamburg’s Paulinenstraße...where all houses are one floor higher, compared to my street. | |
Black MaskJust give me... a black mask! The (International) Noise Conspiracy are going strong again. | |
Hamburg HauptbahnhofThis hall is relatively dark, after all. Looking at it, I must say I prefer the open station in Dortmund - although I still like light station halls, like in Cologne or Berlin, best. |