Tasmania: Forests, Rocks, Beaches...

Mit Jon und Asha habe ich einen tollen Kurzurlaub auf Tasmanien verbracht. Besonders hat mir das Herumfahren und Wandern mit Darvis und Katie von Tiger Trails gefallen.
Bei diesen Bildern gibt's relativ wenige Beschreibungen weil a) das Schreiben so aufwendig ist und b) die meisten Bilder ohnehin für sich sprechen und nicht mehr als einen kurzen Titel brauchen.

With Jon and Asha I had a great short holiday on Tasmania. The best part probably was the hiking and driving around with Darvis and Katie from Tiger Trails.
Not many descriptions on this one because a) writing descriptions is so time-consuming and b) most pictures don't need more than a short title anyway.

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Victoria Park

Regional Express



Camping Ground

Reflections on Water

Wynyard Theatre

Camping Bus

Flowers and...

Wood Chips

Forest Destruction

Reading Spot

No Smoking!


...to a river

Water Falls

Big Trees

Green Hills

Power Pylon

A Simple Bridge

...over Savage Riger

Jon and Asha


A Snake

The Edge of the World

Throwing Pebbles


February 2, 2004

Trying to Open...

...What Should Be Open

Fighting I

Fighting II

A Different Landscape

A Lighthouse

A Pipeline

A Train

The Rails

Asha and Jon

Open Windows

Me in the Train

Train on a Bridge

Turning the Engine

Don't Leave Shit


Empire Hotel

Queenstown Post Office

Log Trucks

Oh no!


Sleepy Pademelon

Cute Tasmanian Devil

Scratching Koala

Da Vinci Pose

Tall Tree

Wide Tree

Tree Camp

Group Photo

Jon on a Mountain Top

Storage Lake
[Image set 1] [Image set 2] [All in one]

This page created on 2007-03-03.
